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About Brien Foerster
Brien has explored more than 90 countries but his true passion is researching and writing about the ancient megalithic works found in Peru, Bolivia, Mexico, Easter Island, Egypt, England, and beyond. His 23 books are available on this website & He has appeared 15 times on the Ancient Aliens television series as well as numerous other TV and radio presentations. Brien's popular Youtube channel contains more than 850 videos related to hidden history and megalithic sites.

Brien Foerster
Upcoming Tours You Can Join
Our operations began nearly a decade ago as a way to facilitate my longterm research into megalithic sites and ancient wisdom. Over the years our offerings have grown to an annual series of major group tours featuring well known researchers as well as private tours with me to sites in Peru and Bolivia.
January 12–23, 2019 – Join our team of researchers and explorers as we examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable indications of what is possibly the world’s greatest secret – that a highly advanced civilization with superior intelligence and capabilities once inhabited our planet tens of thousands of years ago.
February 18-28, 2019 – Join Brien & irene on this adventure through Mexico to discover evidence of ancient technology, lost cultures, and incredible sites.
April 6th – 18th, 2019 – Join Khemitologists, Researchers, and Explorers as they examine the evidence and discuss the remarkable indications of what is possibly the world’s greatest secret.